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Clipper Battery Services

 For many hair clipper models we can replace the battery cells inside your battery which saves you money and recycles your battery.

 You can buy our battery re cell services and send us your clipper battery for us to fit new cells, or we may have replacement cell packs you can fit yourself.

 Replacing the inner battery cells is as good as a new battery but saves you money and recycles your battery.

Oster Pro 3000i Clipper Battery
Lister Liberty Horse Clipper Battery - SL Service

Inner Cell Packs

 For clippers which have a cell pack suitable for you to replace yourself. 

 Currently only for the Lister Liberty battery and Wahl Avalon clipper batteries.

 You will receive a new cell pack with fitting instructions included.

Cell Replacement or Re-Cell

 Re-cell your Andis AGR / AGR+ battery, Heiniger Saphir battery, Heiniger Corldess battery, Heiniger Xplorer, Aesculap CL, Oster Power Pro, Wahl Arco and Liveryman Whisper.

 Your battery will perform well as we use high quality battery cells, spot welded together with nickel tabs.

 Send your batteries to us:

SL Service
45 Westfield Crescent
Market Weighton, York
YO43 3EL

Clipper Service & Repair - SL Service
Clipper Service & Repair - SL Service

Battery Charger Repair

 We can also repair your clipper battery charger.

 Repairing your charger is better value than buying a new one.

 New power supplies are around £20, Circuit boards if available are around £45, Or we can wire in a new compatible charger for around £30.

 Post your charger to us and we will email when it arrives and the cost to repair.

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